History of the

W. G. Sutherland Temporomandibulo-Cranial Dental Group, Inc.

The W. G. Sutherland Temporomandibulo-Cranial Dental Group, Inc., had its first meeting in 1982, when we sponsored our first 40 hour basic dento-cranial course. This was under the auspices and guidance of our Osteopath benefactors: Dr. Herbert Miller and Dr. John Harakal. Both doctors were teaching faculty members of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. These men headed a group of Cranially trained men who felt that Dr. Sutherland had a special interest in exposing dentists to his Cranial Concepts.

Since then, with our core members, we have expanded and now teach a basic 40 hour course and an advanced course 4 times a year. We have done this since 1982. The W. G. Sutherland Temporomandibulo-Cranial Dental Group, Inc. was incorporated in 1983. It is stated in the charter that we were formed to teach licensed dentists only and we have trained over 1000 dentists since 1982. At each meeting the basic 40 hour dento-cranial course is taught with individual attention given to the dentist student's level of knowledge and skill.

An advanced course is taught by either visiting osteopath physicians or our own facility members. We have an extensive video archive of the advanced courses that have been taught at the W. G. Sutherland Temporomandibulo-Cranial Dental Group, Inc. teaching facility (known as The Farm).  We recently moved our facility from Illinois to Madison, Indiana. 

Many of the contemporary Masters of Osteopath: Doctors Herbert Miller, Thomas Schooley, Alan Becker, Neal Pruzzo, Robert Fulford, Paul Kimberly, James Jealous, Elliot P. Blackman, James Farley, Fred Mitchell, Paula Eschtruth, and Joseph Grasso have presented these programs for our group. Our video archives can be viewed anytime when students visit our teaching facility.

For information about our upcoming courses, click the link titled Classes

WGSTCG Celebrates 39th Anniversary

The William G. Sutherland Temporomandibular Cranial Group was formed in October 1982 under the initial tutelage of Dr. Herbert Miller who taught the first 40 hour cranial course to a group of dentists who wanted to learn the concept.  The first course was taught in Zionsville, Indiana with Dr. Harris Kimbrough and Dr. Craig Zunka serving as table trainers. 

After this course, with the guidance of Dr. Roland Becker on how to start a study club, the WGSTCG was incorporated and started meeting four times per year for two and a half days each session.  At each of these meetings the basic 40 hour course was taught in addition to an advanced course. 

In 1988, Drs. Kimbrough and Zunka were the first two dentists to pass the competency exam established by the Cranial Academy.  At the request of the Cranial Academy, WGSTCG created the competency exam specifically for dentists.  This program took two years, with the input of Dr. John Harakal, Dr. Herbert Miller, Dr. Gerald Cooper, Dr. Michael Lockwood and Dr. Bob Fulford, to compose the exam.  Dr. Harakal tested each question on the Osteopathic students a TCOM to make sure all questions were direct and not ambiguous.  The exam is currently offered four times per year to dentists at the WGSTCG Class.

The relationship between dentists and the Cranial Academy continued to strengthen.  Under the Presidency of Dr. Stephen Blood, the Cranial Academy added the associate board member position to the Cranial Academy Board.  The first associate board member was Dr. Harris Kimbrough followed by Dr. Craig Zunka, Dr. Jim Kennedy, Dr. John Rothchild, Dr. Jim Jeckman, and Dr. Rich Joachim.  Approximately 19 years ago the position was then changed to welcome an associate dental member and an associate medical member to the Board of which the first associate medical board member was Dr. Paul Dart. 

The study club has provided “Dental Corner” articles for the Cranial Newsletter for some 30 years.  A number of these articles are on research completed by the dental community and a number have been board cases presented for the Dental Competency Exam. 

At the heart of the study club is the teaching of cranial philosophy and technique.  Over the past 39 years the study club has had the opportunity to have some of the top osteopathic physicians teach advanced courses.  Some even numerous times, I have outlined them below.   

Dr. Herbert Miller, 16

Dr. Paul Kimberly

Dr. Jim Jealous, 20

Dr. Alan Becker

Dr. Tom Schooley, 3

Dr. Bob Fulford, 3

Dr. Elliot Blackman

Dr. Paul Lee, 6

Dr. Paul Dart

Dr. Neal Pruzzo

Dr. Rachel Brooks

Dr. Joe Grasso, 4

Dr. Jim Gronemyer, 2

Dr. Karen Gajda, 9

Dr. Conrad Speece, 4

Dr. Fred Mitchell, Jr., 2

Dr. Jim Farley, 3

Dr. Richard Koss

Dr. Paula Eschtruth

Dr. Charlie Beck, 2

Dr. Barry Rogers, 2

Dr. John Coppinger

By allowing their course to be video recorded these instructors have given us the gift of preservation.  These videos have allowed us to share lectures of the masters with new students and give us the opportunity to review technique and rehear their philosophy.  Each time we view a lecture we learn something new from the masters.  Being able to see and hear these masters share their experience has been an invaluable teaching tool and history lesson.
